Nevada Sustainable Funding Transportation
Final Report
AWG Final Report
Nevada’s population boom continues at historic levels, placing ever greater demand for travel on the state’s transportation infrastructure system. To meet these demands to maintain a safe, reliable transportation system through strategic investment in system preservation, maintenance, and long-range expansion, state and local governments require appropriate levels of reliable, long-term funding.
During the 2021 session, the Nevada Legislature enacted Assembly Bill (AB) 413, which drew on the previous year’s work conducted pursuant to Senate Concurrent Resolution 3. Passed unanimously by both the Nevada Assembly and Senate, AB 413 established an Advisory Working Group (AWG) and charged the AWG with investigating the transportation funding needs of the state and providing recommendations for future sustainable funding options in light of the state’s interest in transitioning to ZEVs.
The AWG focused its efforts on identifying appropriate mechanisms for generating transportation revenue and did not make a recommendation or proposal to raise revenue in any specific quantity or at any specific tax or fee rate. Instead, the AWG made a series of recommendations that collectively offer to the Nevada Legislature a blueprint for how to deploy several funding mechanisms in the near term and long term capable of providing sustainable funding that aligns with the guiding principles adopted by the group.
The Final Report is a summary of this work.