Assembly Bill 413 (2021) directs the Nevada DOT to convene an Advisory Working Group to study transportation needs of the state and recommend sustainable funding options.
The Nevada legislature recently passed Assembly Bill 413 requiring the Nevada Department of Transportation to convene an Advisory Working Group (AWG) to study issues related to sustainable transportation funding. The AWG must prepare and submit a written report describing its activities, findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the Nevada legislature by December 31, 2022.
The AWG will study the multimodal transportation needs of the state and recommend funding options that provide long-term financial sustainability for Nevada's transportation system, including the State Highway Fund, while also taking into account the needs for social and user equity and the imperative to reduce GHG emissions from the transportation sector. The AWG will also consider the role that land use and smart growth strategies can play in transportation costs, reducing emissions, improving system efficiency and equity.
The Advisory Working Group includes entities and individuals with a specific interest in (or responsibility for) managing a financially and environmentally sustainable statewide, multimodal transportation network. The membership is representative of the geographic areas and ethnic groups of Nevada.
While a more detailed work plan will be developed once AWG members have been appointed, the scope of research is expected to include the following:
Assessment of the current funding levels and forecasted transportation infrastructure and service needs among all modes: state highways; local roadways; urban transit; interurban and rural public transportation; bicycle lanes; pedestrian routes; etc;
Review of transportation funding mechanisms in Nevada, and a scan of funding mechanisms used in other states and countries;
Review of Nevada’s energy and environmental sustainability goals and programs, particularly related to GHG emissions from the transportation sector;
Exploration of different funding methods, including specific investigation of two different approaches for collecting usage fees from vehicle owners;
Consideration of the role that land use policies and “smart growth” strategies might play in helping create a more sustainable transportation system.
To successfully deliver a final report to the Nevada legislature by December 2022, this project will be launched by July 1, 2021. The timeline shown below is an estimate only – a more exact schedule will be adopted once the AWG members have been appointed and consulted.
If you have questions related to the AWG, please contact send us an email.