Advisory Working Group Meetings

Meeting 10 - September 2022
Location: Las Vegas Valley Water District - Mead Room
Meeting Materials -

Meeting 8 - June 2022
Locations: Carson City and Las Vegas (in-person meetings will be held from both locations with a live video conference connection between both sites)

Meeting 7 - April 2022
Held at either Carson City or Las Vegas (in-person meeting at one location - location TBD)

Meeting 6 - March 2022
Held at either Carson City or Las Vegas (in-person meeting at one location - location TBD)

Meeting 5 - January 2022
Carson City & Las Vegas (in-person meeting in both locations with live video conference between the two sites)

Meeting 4 - Nov 2021
Carson City & Las Vegas (in-person meeting in both locations with live video conference between the two sites)

Meeting 3 - Sept 2021
Carson City & Las Vegas (in-person meeting in both locations with live video conference between the two sites)

Meeting 2 - Aug 2021
Carson City & Las Vegas (In-person meeting from both locations with live video conference between the two)